Francis S. Del Val
Francis has over 3 decades of experience as a global executive working and living in different parts of Asia and the United Kingdom, overseeing businesses in Asia Pacific, Latin America, the Middle East, Russia, & Commonwealth states. A strategist and activator across Fast-Moving Consumer Goods, Pharmaceutical, Consumer Healthcare, Banking, and Integrated Marketing Communications.
He started out as a Management Trainee at Unilever, then joined Warner-Lambert, Citytrust, and Bank of the Philippine Islands in various senior executive positions before joining GlaxoSmithKline and building a global career in healthcare.
Prior to joining Fortman Cline, Francis was the Founder, President & CEO of one of the first and most successful data science companies in the Philippines: Cobena Business Analytics & Strategy.
Some External Positions Held: Board Member, European Innovation, Technology & Science Center Philippines, President, Board Director & Co-Chair, Policy Committee, Malaysia Pharmaceutical Assoc. (2008–2010), Singapore Association of Pharmaceutical Industries (SAPI) (2008–2010), Board of Trustee, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines (2015–2016); Board of Trustee, British Chamber of Commerce in the Philippines (2014-2016); Country Executive Board, ASEAN Pharmaceutical Research Industry Association (APRIA); President, Phils. Pharmaceutical Industry Association (PHAP) 2014–2015
Post-graduate Degree: 36th Management Development Program 1991, Asian Institute of Management, Superior Performance Awardee; Undergraduate: B.S. in Management Engineering 1986, Ateneo de Manila University, cum laude